Monday, June 18, 2012

Stir Fry On Standby

I am a huge advocate of meal planning. I always plan at least 2 weeks in advance, but usually four weeks. However, we all have those days that we just don't fancy what's on the plan, or we got home late and can't be bothered with that complicated sauce you intended to serve with the chicken. These are the days which are meant for stir fry!

I always make sure I have certain staple foods in my pantry and those include soy sauce and egg noodles. If you have those you have the makings of a stir fry. you can add whatever you like to a stir fry. Chicken, beef,prawns, veggies it's all fair game. Just use your intuition about what will taste good. My favorite is prawn. I always have a bag of prawns in the freezer  and those will defrost in about twenty minutes in a basin of water. But you can use whatever is lying around. If you were meant to have chicken in white wine sauce then chop up the chicken and some veggies and chuck them in a pan with a dash of soy sauce and flash fry on a high heat while stirring continuously. Have your dried egg noodles cooking in a pan of boiling water and add a little stock cube too for additional flavor. Mix together and you have a delicious meal in minutes!

The best thing about one of these impromptu stir fry dishes is that you don't need a recipe! It's all intuition. A dash of this, a handful of that make smart choices and you can't go wrong!

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